Worship Ministries

Ministers Of Ceremony
Ministers Of Ceremony serve on the altar party, lighting the altar candles, carrying the processional cross, carrying the Gospel Book for the celebrant, assisting the deacon or celebrant in the preparation for the Eucharist. Training is provided.
Time commitment: As needed for Saturday evening and Sunday services.
Training required: 2 one-hour sessions introduce interested individuals to the ministry. They receive mentoring until they feel comfortable in the role. A handbook for acolytes at Iona-Hope is used in training.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild prepares the altar for worship at the Eucharist and other services. They prepare the vessels for the services and also clean-up afterward.
Time commitment: This is a rotating schedule which may require a once a month or less commitment.
Training required: Two hours plus mentoring by an experienced
guild member.

The choir, under the direction of Music Director, Loren Strickland, leads the hymns and service music at the Sunday 9:30 service. The choir also performs anthems at the offertory.
Church School
Church School is held during the Liturgy of the Word during the first part of the 9:30 service. This is taught using lectionary-based and seasonal materials, nursery through middle-school. All children return to the church during the Peace to participate in the Eucharist.

Healing Ministry
Healing prayer at worship services and other events.
A group of people who provide refreshments for coffee hours following services, serve the refreshments, and tidy up facilities after our gatherings. Hospitality and refreshments are provided following some special events as well.

Lay Readers
Lay readers read the appointed scripture and Prayers of the People for the worship services. The readings and prayers are scheduled ahead of time and made available online so that readers are prepared to lead in the worship.

Music ministry for our regular worship services and other events.
Quad Squad Programmers
Programming of the audio visual portion of worship services and other events.

Technology Team
We need AV people every week to help out with the sound and projection systems at all three services. This would require a commitment of only one service per month. So, if you know how to use a computer, you already have the skills necessary to operate the projection of a weekly service. Additional training will be provided.
Welcoming Ministry
The welcoming ministers greet worshipers at the doors with bulletins, providing nametags and welcome packets. They are responsible for welcoming guests and members into worship.